Institute of Flexible Electronics - 2022 Master Major Information and Supervisor List

Date of issue:2021-11-01 09:55:22 Hits:


Institute of Flexible Electronics

柔性电子研究院(Institute of Flexible Electronics, IFE成立于201710月,研究院设有机电子研究所、塑料电子研究所、生物电子研究所、印刷电子研究所、柔性电子产业促进中心以及柔性电子增材制造中心202042日,国务院学位委员会正式批准增列“柔性电子学”交叉学科博士授权点。现有教职工140余人(含外籍教师、荣誉学衔专家),各类国家级、省部级青年人才60余人次,各类人才计划和青年学者100余人次,正教授及以上人员占专任师资总数的48%以上,全部核心成员具有多年海外学习和工作经历。中心(研究院)面向新一代信息显示、存储计算、数据加密、生物传感、健康医疗和可再生能源等应用领域,以柔性电子这一高度交叉融合的颠覆性科技形式为核心,拟解决柔性光电材料、半导体性质、器件物理机制、器件工艺和集成中的关键科学问题和核心技术难点。旨在通过解决柔性电子研究中的关键科学问题,孕育颠覆性技术,引领柔性电子基础研究和国际科技前沿,服务国家重大战略需求,助推以柔性电子为代表,包括人工智能、材料科学、泛物联网、空间科学、健康科学、能源科学、数据科学在内的八大关键核心技术与战略性产业的变革,实现“开道超车”和领跑全球。

Institute of Flexible Electronics (IFE) at Northwestern Polytechnical University is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary frontiers institute, which is led by the fellow of Chinese Academy of Science, Prof. Huang Wei, one distinguished scholar in organic electronics and flexible electronics. IFE aims flexible electronics (including organic electronics, plastic electronics, printing electronics, nano-electronics, biological electronics, etc.), a highly cross-integrated and disruptive discipline form as the research core, and takes the key scientific problems and technical difficulties in flexible photoelectric materials, semiconductor properties, device physical mechanism, device process and integration as the research objects. The institute aims to make both innovative and practical contributions to the application fields of new generation information display, storage computing, data encryption, biosensing, health care and renewable energy.

        Institute of Flexible Electronics Website:

附件 Attachment:

Supervisor List for 2022 Master Application Institute of Flexible Electronics.xlsx

重要提示 Notice:

1. 附件为柔性电子研究院2022年专业信息表与可接收硕士的导师信息表。

The attachments are the Major List and the Spervisor List that can accept the Master students of the Institute of Flexible Electronics in 2022 Academic Year.

2. 请根据此表中导师的教师主页信息以及研究方向选择并联系与你研究方向一致或相似的导师,请不要群发邮件。

Please contact the supervisor according to the their researsh direction and Teacher Website Page information.

Do not send the MASS EMAIL.

3. 导师的邮箱域名为

Please add: after the email adress.


The Major Introduction for the Institute of Flexible Electronics

一、 专业名称 Major:柔性电子学 Flexible Electronics

1. 研究方向 Research Direction:

生物电子学 Bioelectronics

2. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:




(1) Bioelectronics: To tackle the challenges in medicine, biology and biotechnology with the principles of optoelectronics, investigate the (opto)electronic phenomena and underlying mechanisms in biological processes, and explore the (opto)electronic applications in healthcare, biomedicine, environmental monitoring, food safety, and so on;

(2) Implantable/wearable bio-electronic devices: To develop wearable/implantable flexible sensors for prompt and precise health monitoring, prevention and intervention of critical diseases through real-time acquisition, information storage and transfer of biological data;

(3) Diagnosis and intervention of critical diseases: To uncover the pathogenesis of critical diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, discover the biological structures and functions, advance macro-/micro-scale molecular diagnostics in an invasive manner, develop polymer-based strategies for drug delivery and pathogen regulation, and achieve effective intervention of critical diseases.

3. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:

《柔性电子学》 《Flexible Electronics》

《生物电子学》 《Bioelectronics》

《有机电子学》 《Organic electronics》

《印刷电子学》 《Printed electronics》

《塑料电子学》 《Plastic electronics》

《柔性电子表征方法》 《Flexible electronics characterization methods》

4. 有无先修课程要求 Whether has Prerequisite Courses: Yes and related in chemistry, biology, biomedical engineering, material science 

5. 先修课程名称 Prerequisite Courses: 


Courses related to the introduction to biochemistry or biology or biomedical engineering


Last:School of Civilaviation - 2022 Master Major Information and Supervisor List



Address: Room 718, Yizi Building, International College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 Youyi Xilu, Beilin District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 710072


Admission: +86-(29) 88494381

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International student office: +86-(29) 88495735

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