School of Civilaviation

The school of civil aviation of Northwestern Polytechnical University was established in December 2018.
The college has national 211 and 985 discipline construction platforms and two doctoral degree authorization points of Aerospace Science and technology and mechanics. The bird strike branch of CAAC is attached to the school of civil aviation of Northwestern Polytechnical University. Under the guidance of the national "double first-class" strategy, the college adheres to the construction goal of "building a first-class college, running a first-class major and cultivating first-class talents", aiming at the international forefront in an all-round way. Around the aircraft safety and security technology, aircraft airworthiness certification technology and UAV airworthiness technology and management to carry out personnel training, discipline construction and scientific research.
附件 Attachment:
20. 2025学年民航学院硕士申请导师信息表 Supervisor List for 2025 Master Application School of Civilaviation.pdf
重要提示 Notice:
1. 附件为民航学院2025年专业信息表与可接收硕士的导师信息表。
The attachments are the Major List and the Spervisor List that can accept the Master students of the School of Civilaviation in 2025 Academic Year.
2. 请根据此表中导师的教师主页信息以及研究方向选择并联系与你研究方向一致或相似的导师,请不要群发邮件。
Please contact the supervisor according to the their researsh direction and Teacher Website Page information.
Do not send the MASS EMAIL.
The Major Introduction for the School of Civilaviation
一、 专业名称 Major:固体力学 Solid Mechanics
专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics
材料疲劳 Fatigue of Materials
弹性力学 Elasticity Mechanics
复合材料损伤与断裂力学 Damage and Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials
三维纤维增强聚合物复合材料 3D Fiber Reinforced PolymerComposites
计算纳米力学 Computational Nanomechanics
二、 专业名称 Major:航空器结构与适航技术 Aircraft Structures and Airworthiness Technology
专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
飞机气动弹性设计与分析 Aeroelastic Design and Analysis for Aircraft
结构疲劳与可靠性分析 Analysis of Structural Fatigue and Reliability
高级结构动力学 Advanced Structural Dynamics
弹性力学 Elasticity
飞机结构疲劳寿命评估方法 valuation Methods of Aircraft Structure Fatigue Life
三、 专业名称 Major:航空宇航科学与技术 Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology
专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
有限元基础与应用 Fundamental and Application of Finite Element Method
飞机电子系统预测与健康管理 Prognosis and Health Management of Aircraft Electronics System
飞机结构维修与适航 Aircraft Structure Repair and Airworthiness
民航适航基础 Fundamentals of Civil Aviation Airworthiness
飞机伺服控制系统 Aircraft Servo Control System
机载系统故障诊断与健康管理 Fault Diagnosis and Health Management of Airborne Systems
机载电子设备自动测试 Automatic Tests of Airborne Electronic Equipment
四、 专业名称 Major:飞行器设计 Flight Vehicle Design
专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
Fundamentals of Flight Vehicle Design 飞行器设计基础
Fundamental of Structure and Mechanism Reliability Design 结构和力学可靠性设计基础
Structure Analysis and Design of Composite Materials符合材料结构分析与设计
Flight Mechanics and Flight Control 飞行力学与飞行控制
Introduction to guidance, navigation and control制导、导航和控制入门