The School of Materials Science and Engineering

The School of Materials Science and Engineering has its origins in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Mining Engineering within the former Northwest Institute of Engineering, established in 1938. After more than half a century’s development, the School’s five fields of research -- including heat treatment of metals, forging, casting, welding and non-metallic materials -- has gradually shifted to an educational and discipline development system supported by “three Departments, two Special Zones and three Research Centers”.
The School has a national key discipline -- “Materials Science and Engineering” -- and two national key sub-disciplines -- “Materials Science” and “Materials Processing Engineering”. The School offers two first-level Doctoral Degrees – in Materials Science and Engineering and in Optical Engineering. The School of Materials Science and Engineering also has an excellent postdoctoral research station of Materials Science and Engineering. In 2012, its “Materials Science and Engineering” discipline was ranked third in the nation for China.
The SMSE has 10 national national-level platforms and 17 provincial -level platforms for scientific research and talent development. For the last five years, the School has undertaken 149 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) projects, amount to 103 million RMB; as well as more than 200 National Science and Technology Major Projects, Key Projects of Research and Development Plans, Project 863, National Defense Basic Scientific Research, Aviation Fund, etc. , amounting to 521 million RMB. The research fund for per person is over 2 million RMB. 1 received the National Natural Science Reword, and 4 received Technological Invention Reward. Faculty members have published 1930 SCI academic papers and have been granted 223 patents.
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Supervisor List for 2022 PhD Application School of Materials Sciencs and Engineering.xlsx
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1. 附件为材料学院2022年专业信息表与可接收博士的导师信息表。
The attachments are the Major List and the Spervisor List that can accept the PhD students of Materials Science and Engineering in 2022 Academic Year the School.
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材料学院博士专业介绍 The PhD Major Introduction for the School of Material Science and Engineering |
专业名称 Major |
专业方向名称 Research Direction |
专业介绍 Major Introduction |
专业核心课程名称 Core Courses |
先修课程名称 Prerequisite Courses |
材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering |
材料热处理 Heat Treatment |
主要研究:高能束表面改性、热处理和表面处理的数值模拟、热处理和表面处理过程的自动化控制 It focuses on high energy beam surface modification,
numerical simulation of heat treatment and surface treatment, and automatic control of heat treatment and surface treatment processes |
1. 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering 2. 凝固技术 Solidification Technology 3. 复合材料基础 Fundamentals of Composites 4. 固相焊接 Solid-State Welding 5. 高温合金 Superalloys 6. 纳米合金 Nanoalloy 7. 材料电子显微和分析 Electron Microscopy and Analysis for Materials 8. 碳碳复合材料 Carbon-carbon Composites 9. 材料物理 Materials Physics 10.高温材料的表面防护与涂层技术 Surface Protection and Coating Technique for High-temperature Materials 11.碳材料介绍 Introduction to Carbon Materials 12.纳米结构材料与纳米技术 Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology 13.材料计算建模与设计 Computational Materials Modelling and Design 14.半导体的物理和材料特性 Physics and Materials Properties of Semiconductors 15.熔体特性与熔体生长技术 Melt Characteristics and Melt Growth Techniques |
1.材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering Prerequisite Courses:Advanced Mathematics、Physical Chemistry、Mechanics of Materials; 2.高温合金 Superalloys Prerequisite Courses:Fundations of Material Science 3.碳碳复合材料 Carbon-carbon Composites Prerequisite Courses:Fundamentals of Materials Science,Physical chemistry; 4.材料物理 Materials Physics Prerequisite Courses:Physics/Chmistry/Fundations of Materials Science/Physical Properties of Materials 5.材料计算建模与设计 Computational Materials Modelling and Design Prerequisite Courses:Fundamentals of Materials Science 6.半导体的物理和材料特性 Physics and Materials Properties of Semiconductors Prerequisite Courses:Semiconductor Physics
凝固技术 Solidification Technology |
It focuses on melting treatment technology,precision casting technology, directional solidification and single crystal growth, solidification forming technology under external field, laser processing and rapid prototyping technology, Precision forming technology of large complex casting.
凝固原理 Solidification Theory |
主要研究:凝固理论及晶体生长理论、非平衡凝固过程与亚稳相、相变理论、凝固过程及组织模拟、凝固组织控制原理。 It focuses on solidification theory and crystal growth theory,non-equilibrium solidification process and metastable phase, theory of phase transition,solidification process and microstructure simulation, control principle of solidification structure.
塑性成形原理与技术 plasticity forming theory and technology |
主要研究:精确塑性成形理论与技术、塑性成形过程计算机模拟仿真、塑性变形-组织-性能的相互关系、不均匀变形原理、不均匀变形原理。轻量化构件精确成形技术、金属超塑性变形理论 、微观结构演化、缺陷预测与质量控制、模具设计及其数字化技术 。 It focuses on: theory and technology of precise plastic forming,computer simulation of plastic forming process, relationship between plastic deformation-microstructure-properties,principle of non-uniform deformation,forming and strengthening-toughening technology for difficult-to-deform materials,accurate forming technology for lightweight components, theory of superplastic deformation,microstructure evolution, defect prediction and quality control,mould design and its digital technology.
焊接工程与自动化weldingengineering and automation |
主要研究:摩擦焊接技术及其数值模拟、扩散焊及钎焊、高能束流焊接技术、电阻焊质量控制、固相增材制造技术、先进焊接设备及其自动控制。 It focuses on friction welding technology and its numerical simulation,diffusion welding and brazing,high energy beam welding technology,quality control of resistance welding,solid phase additive manufacturing technology,advanced welding equipment and its automatic control.
高分子及其复合材料加工Processing of polymers and their composites |
主要研究:高聚物多相体系的流变行为、热固性树脂及其塑料的固化模型、复合材料新型加工方法及其理论、难加工高聚物的特种加工方法及其理论。 It focuses on rheological behavior of multiphase polymer systems, curing models of thermosetting resins and their plastics, new processing method and theory of composite materials,special processing methods and theory of difficult-to-process polymers.
材料学 Materials Science |
金属材料 Metal Materials |
主要研究:新型金属材料及其设计、有色金属材料、高温合金与难熔金属、稀有金属材料、生物医用材料、环境材料。 It focuses on new metal materials and design、non-ferrous materials、high temperature alloy with refractory metal rare metal material、biomedical materials、environmental materials.
1. 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering 2. 凝固技术 Solidification Technology 3. 复合材料基础 Fundamentals of Composites 4. 固相焊接 Solid-State Welding 5. 高温合金 Superalloys 6. 纳米合金 Nanoalloy 7. 材料电子显微和分析 Electron Microscopy and Analysis for Materials 8. 碳碳复合材料 Carbon-carbon Composites 9. 材料物理 Materials Physics 10.高温材料的表面防护与涂层技术 Surface Protection and Coating Technique for High-temperature Materials 11.碳材料介绍 Introduction to Carbon Materials 12.纳米结构材料与纳米技术 Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology 13.材料计算建模与设计 Computational Materials Modelling and Design 14.半导体的物理和材料特性 Physics and Materials Properties of Semiconductors 15.熔体特性与熔体生长技术 Melt Characteristics and Melt Growth Techniques |
1.材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering Prerequisite Courses:Advanced Mathematics、Physical Chemistry、Mechanics of Materials; 2.高温合金 Superalloys Prerequisite Courses:Fundations of Material Science 3.碳碳复合材料 Carbon-carbon Composites Prerequisite Courses:Fundamentals of Materials Science,Physical chemistry; 4.材料物理 Materials Physics Prerequisite Courses:Physics/Chmistry/Fundations of Materials Science/Physical Properties of Materials 5.材料计算建模与设计 Computational Materials Modelling and Design Prerequisite Courses:Fundamentals of Materials Science 6.半导体的物理和材料特性 Physics and Materials Properties of Semiconductors Prerequisite Courses:Semiconductor Physics
无机非金属材料 Inorganic Materials |
主要研究:陶瓷材料、先进碳材料、特种陶瓷及玻璃、半导体材料、耐火材料、涂层材料。 It focuses on ceramic Materials,advanced Carbon Materials,Special Ceramics and Glass,List of semiconductor materials,Refractory materials,Coating material.
复合材料 Composite Materials |
主要研究:陶瓷基复合材料、碳/碳复合材料、金属基复合材料、树脂基复合材料。 It focuses on ceramic matrix composite,C/C matrix composite,metal matrix composite,resin matrix composite.
功能材料 Functional Materials |
主要研究:光电子材料与器件、晶体生长原理与方法、光学材料、薄膜材料、纳米材料、能源材料。 It focuses on photoelectrons materials and devices、principles and methods of crystal growth、optical materials、thin film materials、nanomaterial、energy material.
材料的组织结构与性能 Materials Structure and Performance |
主要研究:材料的力学性能、材料的物理化学性能、材料的环境效应、材料的环境效应、单晶、非晶及微晶材料、先进分析、测试及表征技术、材料基因工程。 It focuses on mechanical properties of materials,physical chemistry properties of materials,environmental effects of materials,single crystal, amorphous and microcrystalline materials,advanced analysis, testing and characterization techniques,genetic engineering of materials.
材料的腐蚀科学与表面技术Corrosion Science and Surface Technology of Materials |
主要研究:材料表面结构与性质、表面损伤及防护原理、表面防护与改性技术、工程结构环境耐久性与寿命预测、表面防护新材料与新技术、腐蚀机理、诊断与控制。 It focuses on surface structure and properties of materials, surface damage and protection principle, surface protection and modification technology, environmental durability and life,prediction of engineering structures, new materials and technologies for surface protection, corrosion mechanism, diagnosis and control.