English(English)-School of Foreign Studies

Date of issue:2024-11-01 16:18:34 Hits:



学院 School:外国语学院 School of Foreign Studies



The introduction of Major

西北工业大学英语专业是国家级一流本科建设专业。在国家“新文科”建设方针指导下,英语专业依托外国语言文学一级学科硕士点,结合西北地区地域特色,充分发挥学校工科优势学科资源,确立了以“四种能力,三个过硬,两个具有”为核心的国际化外语人才培养目标。即人才培养以国际化为主线,培养具有跨文化交际能力、创新能力、实践能力、自主学习能力;英语语言基本功过硬、专业知识过硬、文化素养过硬;具有深厚家国情怀及开阔的国际视野,能直接参与国际竞争与合作的“创新复合型国际化外语人才”和“新文科精英人才”。 英语专业拥有一支学缘结构合理、教学经验丰富、学术功底扎实、优势互补、文化多元的国际化外语教学团队。在人才培养过程中,英语专业坚持以学生为中心,贯彻“精外语,懂科技,善思辨,知国际,能创新”的培养理念,建立了以培养创新型人才为目的“3+3”菜单式显性课程与个性化第二课堂有机结合的课程体系,创建了国际化的“五维”评估体系,创立了“问题—探索—结论”逐层递进式本科教学新方法。确立了以人文精神与科技创新为导向的“英语+”多元化人才培养模式。

The English program (Bachelor of Arts degree program) of Northwestern Polytechnical University is a national first-class undergraduate program. Under the guidance of the state “New Liberal Arts” construction policy, the English undergraduate program, by relying on the first-level Master of Arts degree program in foreign language and literature, combining the regional characteristics of northwest China, and giving full play to the university’s advantageous resources in engineering disciplines, has set up the target of training internationalized foreign language talents with “four abilities, three excellencies, and two possessions” as the core. The talent training has internationalization as its main line and the students are to be cultivated to gain the abilities of cross-cultural communication, innovation, practical operation and independent learning; to attain excellency in basic English language skills, professional knowledge and cultural literacy; and to become “internationalized innovative compound foreign language talents” and “new liberal arts elite talents” possessive of profound patriotism and broad international vision, who are ready to participate in international competition and cooperation. The English department has an internationalized foreign language teaching staff of reasonable academic structure, rich teaching experience, high academic level, complementary disciplinary advantages and diverse cultures. In the process of talent training, the English department puts the students at its center, carries out the cultivation concept of “mastering the foreign languages, understanding science and technology, and being critical, internationalized, and innovative”. To cultivate innovative talents, it has established a curriculum system that integrates a dominant “3-plus-3” menu type curriculum and accompanying personalized second-classroom learning, created an internationalized assessment system with “five dimensions”, and originated a new progressive undergraduate teaching method of “question-exploration-conclusion”, thus laying the foundation for the diversified “English-and-plus” talent training model oriented to lofty humanistic spirit and scientific and technological innovation.


Core Courses

阅读与思辨 Reading and Critical Thinking 

英语学术报告方法与实践 Academic English Report: Method & Practice

语言学概论 Introduction to Linguistics

英国文学 British Literature

美国文学 American Literature

学术写作 Academic Writing

英语口译实践 English-Chinese Interpretation Practice

英语笔译实践 English-Chinese Translation Practice

中西方文化概论 Introduction to Chinese and Western Culture


Please refer to the link below for the program

Last:Administration Management(Chinese)- School of Public Policy and Administration



Address: Room 718, Yizi Building, International College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 Youyi Xilu, Beilin District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 710072


Admission: +86-(29) 88494381

Academic: +86-(29) 88492721

International student office: +86-(29) 88495735

Fax: +86(0)29 88491544