Civil Engineering( English)-School of Mechanics,Civil Engineering and Architechture

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Civil Engineering

学院 School:力学与土木建筑学院 School of Mechanics,Civil Engineering and Architechture

授课语言Medium:英文 English


The introduction of Major


The ultimate goal of this major is to cultivate senior professionals in construction, transportation, civil infrastructure and aerospace facilities engineering.Train and master the basic theories and knowledge of structural engineering, geotechnical  engineering, tunnel and bridge engineering, road engineering, disaster prevention reduction and protection engineering. Accept the basic training of registered engineers and have the ability to engage in civil engineering project planning and design, construction and management, research and development. After graduation, students can engage in technical or management works with broad employment prospects in the design, construction, management, investment, development, research and education departments of structural construction, underground buildings, tunnels and bridges, roads, airports and ports, municipal engineering, etc.. Graduated students can also choose postgraduates majoring in structural engineering, disaster prevention reduction and protection engineering, geotechnical engineering, bridge and tunnel engineering, road and airport engineering, civil engineering construction and management, or management science and engineering, engineering mechanics, solid mechanics, etc.


Core Courses

微积分III(上) Calculus III(1)

微积分III(中) Calculus III(2)

微积分III(下) Calculus II(3)

线性代数(英) Linear algebra

概率论与数理统计(英) Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics

大学物理 IV(上)(英) College Physics IV(1)(International)

大学物理 IV(下)(英) College Physics IV(2)(International)

大学物理实验III(上)(英) College Physics Experiment IV(1)(International)

大学物理实验III(下)(英) College Physics Experiment IV(2)(International)

计算机基础(英语) Fundamentals of Computers

计算机基础实验(英语) Fundamentals of Computers Experiment

程序设计基础(英语) Programming basic

程序设计基础实验(英语) Programming Experiment

理论力学(英) Theoretical Mechanics

材料力学(英) Mechanics of Materials

工程力学实验(英) Engineering Mechanics Test

机械制图(英) Mechanical Mapping

普通测量学(英) Surveying

建筑材料(英) Construction Materials

结构力学(英) Structural Mechanics

混凝土基本构件及原理(英) Elementary Reinforced Concrete Design

土力学及地基基础(英) Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering

混凝土结构设计及砌体结构(英) Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Masonry Structures

钢结构设计(英) Steel Structure

SAP2000结构工程案例(英) SAP2000 Structural Engineering Case

振动理论(英) Theory of Vibration

土木工程概论(英) Outline of Civil Engineering

金工实习 A Metalworking

测量实习 (英) Surveying Practice

钢筋混凝土楼盖设计(英) Design of Floor Slab of Reinforced Concrete

土工室内试验(英) Geotechnical Laboratory Measurements


Please refer to the link below for the training program

Last:English(English)-School of Foreign Studies



Address: Room 718, Yizi Building, International College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 Youyi Xilu, Beilin District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 710072


Admission: +86-(29) 88494381

Academic: +86-(29) 88492721

International student office: +86-(29) 88495735

Fax: +86(0)29 88491544