Aerospace Engineering(English)-School of Astronautics

Date of issue:2024-11-01 16:09:57 Hits:


Aerospace Engineering

学院 School:航天学院  School of Astronautics

授课语言 Medium:英文 English

专业介绍 Program Overview


Aerospace Engineering relying on the discipline“Aerospace science and technology”, with a focus on “aircraft design”, both aircraft information and control, aerospace propulsion and aerospace mechanics and other directions. “Aerospace Science and technology” is one of the Northwestern Polytechnical University disciplines with the longest history. It is a strong National Key Disciplines and has the right to award master's and doctor's degrees, with Aerospace Science and technology and mechanics post-doctoral mobile station. This major aims to train space science and technology talents with solid foundation, wide knowledge, strong innovation ability, international vision and team spirit for the world.

培养目标 Educational Objectives





1. Possess good scientific and humanistic qualities, abide by professional ethics, love peace, have a sense of social responsibility, international vision and innovative spirit, and actively serve the society;

2. Be able to use professional knowledge to study aerospace science problems, complete the design, analysis, experiment and application of complex engineering products;

3. Ability to lead and collaborate with a multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary team to communicate effectively and achieve work goals.

4. Be able to pay attention to social and industry changes, through further education or self-study sustainable development, with long-term competitiveness.

就业方向 Career Destinations


After graduation, students can enter the national aerospace industry sector or research institutions in the rocket, spacecraft, satellite and aircraft in the field of technical, research or management-based work, or to enter the domestic and foreign aerospace engineering and other graduate studies.

核心课程 Curriculum

空气动力学 Aerodynamics

自动控制理论 Automatic Control Principles

飞行器控制系统原理 Flight Vehicle Control Theory

火箭推进基础 Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion

飞行器系统工程 Flight Vehicle System Engineering

飞行器结构动力学 Structural Dynamics of Flight Vehicles


Please refer to the link below for the program plan

Last:Aerospace Engineering(English)-School of Aeronautics
Next:Materials Science and Engineering(English/Chinese)-School of Materials Science and Engineering



Address: Room 718, Yizi Building, International College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 Youyi Xilu, Beilin District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 710072


Admission: +86-(29) 88494381

Academic: +86-(29) 88492721

International student office: +86-(29) 88495735

Fax: +86(0)29 88491544