Aerospace Engineering(English)-School of Aeronautics

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航空航天工程 (0112)

Aerospace Engineering

学院 School:航空学院 School of Aeronautics


专业介绍 Program Overview


The major Aerospace Engineering underlines an interaction of relevant aircraft knowledge and systematic engineering, and intensifies a consciousness of systematic engineering integration, with solid mathematical knowledge as the basis and broad academic knowledge of systematic engineering and aircraft design as the mainbody. The School of Aeronautics has been developing the major and organizing teachings with the two main lines of modern aeronautic science and engineering system, aiming to train leading talents of comprehensive aircraft knowledge.

专业核心课程 Curriculum

理论力学(英)Theoretic Mechanics                                                

电工电子技术(英)Electrical and Electronic Technology                                

机械制图(英)Mechanical Mapping                                                    

电工电子技术实验(英)Experiment for Electrical and Electronic Technology

航空航天技术概论(英)Introduction to Aeronautics and Astronautics                          

结构强度基础(英)Strength of Materials                                            

自动控制原理(英)Automatic Control Principles                                      

空气动力学基础(英)Fundamentals of Aerodynamics

机械设计基础(英)The Fundamental of Machine Design                                    

飞行动力学(Ⅰ)Flight Dynamics(Ⅰ)                                          

飞行动力学(II)(英) Flight Dynamics (II)


飞行器结构力学基础(英)Flight Vehicle Structure Mechanics                                

飞行器总体设计(英)Aircraft Conceptual Design                                      

结构有限元分析(英)Structural Analysis by Finite Element Method                          

飞行器结构设计(英)Flight Vehicle Framework Design                                    

流体力学试验(英)Hydrodynamics Experiment                                          

飞行器系统设计(英)Aircraft System Design


Please refer to the link below for the program plan

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Address: Room 718, Yizi Building, International College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 Youyi Xilu, Beilin District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 710072


Admission: +86-(29) 88494381

Academic: +86-(29) 88492721

International student office: +86-(29) 88495735

Fax: +86(0)29 88491544